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Tyler DiNinno
Actor / Voice Actor / Storyteller

Tyler DiNinno is an actor / voice actor based in Robbinsville, NJ. Tyler has been acting ever since he was in kindergarten and has never lost that passion for performance. He has an extensive amount of training in voice over, theatre, film and TV, and has worked with many industry professionals to truly hone his craft.
Dedicated to bringing characters to life, Tyler uses his versatile voice and performances to weave all-manner of compelling characters and stories for all to enjoy.
He also plays a lot of video games. Like... a lot of video games.
Tyler DiNinno - Commercial VO Demo
00:00 / 01:05
Tyler DiNinno - Animation VO Demo
00:00 / 00:59
Tyler DiNInno - Interactive VO Demo
00:00 / 01:18


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